Street to Beach Cleanup Program Update – June

Thank you, thank you, thank you for answering the call to help keep litter out of the ocean. Since Memorial Day, 125 people like you have signed up for the Street to Beach Program and cleaned over 114 miles and stopped 3350 pounds of trash from going to the ocean! 

Here are the top 10 items collected and counted on the Clean Swell App:

  1. Cigarette butts (28100)
  2. Food wrappers (2325)
  3. Pieces of plastic (1928)
  4. Personal hygiene items (which includes masks and gloves) (915)
  5. Plastic bottle caps (509)
  6. Plastic grocery bags (509)
  7. Plastic lids (504)
  8. Plastic beverage bottles (471)
  9. Beverage cans (416)
  10. Plastic cups and plates (357)

Combined, 432 cleanups were done to create these results. Amazing!

We also received some great pictures from you and we loved them all. Here is a sample:

Also, if you need community hours, check out the latest system we put together to help students get their quota. It is very simple!

Remember to add Pacific Beach Coalition as your group so that we can keep recording your efforts!