How To Organize A Cleanup

List of Tips to Organize Your Own Cleanups
Leading your own beach cleanups, street cleanups, park cleanups and/or neighborhood is a great way to take care of the place you love and give back to your community.
We understand that becoming a site captain can be a lot of commitments.
So, here is a list of tips that should help you get started and have a great time while saving mother Earth and the wildlife.
We truly encourage your efforts and contribution in making your neighborhood litter free and greener and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact the Pacific Beach Coalition!
Before the Cleanup: Time to spread the word and get ready
– Create an event online and/or on social media and share it with your friends (Facebook, the Patch, Nextdoor, your blog etc…)
– Create a flyer and hang it at local businesses
– Make sure you have a minimum of supplies:
* reusable gloves
* buckets
* gardening tools
– Encourage the volunteers to bring their own supplies
– Send an email or a note to your group to confirm that the event is happening (reminders are always good)
– Make sure you can dispose of the trash/green waste/recycle
* Contact your town to arrange a pick up with your local waste center
* Check that the dump site near you is going to be open and accept your waste
– Get a scale! It is super cool to be able to know how much waste you removed from the beach, street, park…
Cleanup Day: Don’t be nervous, you are going to do great!
– Make sure you packed everything and arrive early at the meeting location
– Set up your table, supplies, signs…
– Welcome your group and give them a quick orientation
* What is expected from the group (pick up trash, weigh it, sort it or remove weeds, plant trees etc…)
* Where to go
* What to look for (cigarette butts, styrofoam, invasive weeds etc…)
* Remind everyone to stay safe
– Weigh the trash/green waste and sort it if needed
– Take pictures but always ask for permission
– Thank volunteers and make them acknowledge how much of a difference they made
– Dispose of the waste and leave the place cleaner than you found it!
Remember that the data collected about debris at your cleanup will help spread the message about the dangers of litter in the local and marine environment.
After the Cleanup: How did you do?
– Let the world know about your accomplishments!
* Post results and pictures online (nextdoor, social media, blogs etc…)
– Send an email or follow up with your group to share results, pictures and thank them again for coming (plus add the date of the next cleanup)
– Make a note on what went well and what should be improved for next time
How Did It Go?
We would love to hear about how your cleanup went! Fill out the form that is available when you click on the blue bucket (on the right hand side of the website). And if you would like to share your pictures with us, please send them to
Thank you for caring and for making a difference!