Mussel Rock Beach Cleanup, Daly City – 4th Saturday


Mussel Rock Beach Cleanups Schedule – 9am to 11am

January 27th, 2024February 24th, 2024March 23rd, 2024
April 20th, 2024 – Earth DayMay 25th, 2024June 22nd, 2024
July 27nd, 2024August 24th, 2024September 21st, 2024 – Coastal Cleanup Day
October 26th, 2024November 23rd, 2024December 28th, 2024

Please note that the cleanups happening for Earth Day and Coastal Cleanup Day happen off schedule.

Join the movement, Junior Site Captains and Assistant Site Captains needed. Learn more today!

About the Mussel Rock Cleanup in Daly City:
Site captains: Chris, Helen, Myrna, Ted & Joe
Time: Saturday from 9am-11am, rain or shine.
Where to Meet: At the Mussel Rock carpark located at the lower coastal end of Westline Drive by the second entrance to Allied Waste Transfer Station.  Drive north past the junction of Skyline Drive, avoiding the other Westline Drive that goes up a steep hill.
Parking: Free parking is available all the time on any of the roads or at the car park at the meet up spot. Follow the signs to the car park so that you do not get lost on the other Westline Drive that ends up above the Transfer Station.
Cleanup Areas: The team cleans up the streets, bluffs, car park and park, itself, as well as the beach if the tide is out far enough for our safety.
Supplies: Volunteers are encouraged to bring their own buckets and reusable gloves. Extra gloves, buckets, pickup sticks and specific tools for this site cleanup will be provided while supplies last.
Litter: The team usually picks up plastic bags, bottles, cigarettes and other household waste because this is where the Bay Area’s trash is brought before it is transferred to other sites.
Restrooms: Regrettably, there are no public restrooms at this site.

Special Regulations & Precautions
Dogs: Permitted off leash in the park, but there are resident coyotes that may lure dogs away to danger, if they are off leash. This is not a concern if your dog is under excellent voice control and performs recall well. Please be responsible and pick up your dog waste.

Be sure to read through the Cleanup Guidelines before attending the cleanup.
More questions? Read our Beach Cleanup FAQs.

Would You Like to Join Us? To make sure we bring the right amount of supplies, to be more efficient and conserve paper, please complete our online form. It will only take you a few seconds. Sign up here!

See What Our Volunteers Are up to at Mussel Rock Beach Cleanups

  • Over 1300 Cigarette Butts Collected at Linda Mar!
    Our July beach cleanup event at Linda Mar Beach saw an incredible turnout, with over one hundred dedicated community members and firework booth workers joining forces to make a difference. Enthusiasm filled the air as volunteers scoured the entire beach and walking path on the east side of HWY 1. Their collective efforts resulted in over 1300 cigarette butts, four large garbage bags, and one large recycling bag, hauled away for proper disposal. Among the diverse array of trash collected, some of the most surprising items included gasoline cans, liquor bottles, and the usual Taco Bell wrappers. Perhaps […]
  • Post-4th of July Cleanup Yields Interesting Finds
    The Rockaway cleanups on Friday and Saturday were a smashing success! On Friday, over 50 volunteers suited up with buckets and gloves and filled a quarter of a giant dumpster with trash. Among the peculiar items we discovered were a complete bird skull, an array of toys, and, unsurprisingly, fireworks. PBC’s President, Lynn even salvaged a beach tent from the dumpster, which has potential to be repurposed for the Fog Fest. Two kids (pictured below) were especially impressive, collecting an entire tub of cigarette butts, while one girl returned with several buckets filled with interesting toy cars, sand toys, and […]
  • A Global Effort for a Cleaner San Pedro Creek
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