Earth Day 2023, Early Results are Here

Before we start, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, to all of YOU who were able to join us at the beach, on the coast, in parks, on the streets and all over the West coast.
We also would like to thank the local leaders and political figures for joining us on our tour, including city, state, and federal officials and representatives from the California Coastal Commission. For making the time to let us show you what we do best and how incredible and how valuable our volunteers are. They were amazed and grateful for the impact of PBC organizers and volunteers make year round. We also want to thank the community and our members for coming to the Celebration we had in Linda Mar Beach in Pacifica.

Early results of our Earth Day 2023 event
Our collaboration could not be more needed or important to the planet. So here are the early numbers for this Earth Day 2023:
31 locations
1,577 volunteers
90+ different zipcodes represented
4,217 students engaged
3,307.7 lbs of trash
373 lbs of recycling
3,561 lbs of green waste
11,622 cigarette filters

Earth Day Celebratrion at Linda Mar, Pacifica
In case you missed the celebration at Linda Mar Beach, we encourage you to sit back and enjoy Pacifica Coast TV’s coverage.
Educating Adults and Kids
Our Corporate Give Back Coordinator, Greg, took on the role of Nudibranch Specialist in April. Greg hosted a total of 20 school assemblies, sharing the magic of nudibranchs with over 4200 students. Here, he is signing “quiet coyote” after Ortega students’ enthusiastic reaction when they learned that there is a “Pikachu” nudibranch, so named due to its likeness to the popular Pokemon character.
Before and during Earth Day, some companies chose PBC to facilitate their corporate Give Back. Through our Give Back, employees learn to work as a team and they go outside to learn about our coastline, marine debris and the nudibranchs. This is a very sucessful program led by Greg and Danila and we are very thankful for leading these groups.
Over 70 volunteer groups from all over the Bay Area turned out for PBC Earth Day 2023. Volunteers young and old worked up and down the coast and along riverbeds, plucking up cigarette butts, hauling buckets of garbage, pulling up pesky weeds and clearing out overgrown areas.

And Big Shout Outs
- Jim Fithian for coordinating all of the groups who volunteered at multiple locations.
- Greg Finkelstein for teaching students about the nudibranchs and marine debris at 20 school assemblies.
- Karen Gorman for bringing together the celebration and VIP tour and making Earth Day 2023 a very special day.
- Paula Teixeira for organizing the booths at our celebration and for giving more people a chance to learn more about our ocean and the sea slugs.
- Our Board of Directors and sponsors for making this Earth Day 2013 possible!
Here are a few more shots:

Thank You To Our Sponsors